Where we stand

Our commitment to god’s radical love & acceptance

Our faith and commitment to the radical message of Christ means that we adhere to “progressive” values and the acceptance of other’s as they are. These are our positions on some of the “hot button” topics that many evangelical churches are unwilling to be open and honest about.

LGBTQIA+ Inclusion

We completely support and hold up our Queer siblings and their place in the Christian faith. We support the movements for marraige equality in all denominations. We acknowledge the hurt and damage that has been done to many in the name of Christ, especially often for those of us who have grown up in the evangelical tradition. Our theology and thought is informed by Queer theology and the works of LGBTQIA+ Christians.


We unequivicle condemn all forms of racism, be it found on a systemic basis, or in personal bias. We oppose anti-refugee and anti-immigrant politics and sentiments. Based on our faith in Christ who was himself a refugee, who broke bread with people of many different ethnicities, and who teaches us we are all one in Christ.

Women in Leadership

We fully support women in all positions of leadership and fully uphold and advocate for the equality of all genders. Our theology and thought is informed by much feminist theology and the works of many self-identifying women.

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